Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Bathroom

We'll it seems that most of my life right now is either trying to figure out what I want to do with the house or what I know I will not do next time. I always say that hopefully there will not be a next time, but you just never know what the future holds.   

So I will try to start at the beginning.  My husband bought this house when we were dating and never let me see it before he bought it.  I  believe that this was done deliberately so that I couldn't say anything, apparently I have a very big mouth.  Here is a picture of the first room we finished, the smallest bathroom.

The Before 


The After

 My husband's Grandpa Taylor's license plates.

 Sorry,  I guess I forgot to put a switch cover on the light switch.......

I think it looks a tad bit better!

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