Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Kitchen Counters

Here we are at the counters.  I have a wonderful husband that did a ton of work getting these things out of there.  We decided to do one side of the kitchen at a time so we started at the sink side.  GROSS is all I can say.  Of course we found holes chewed through everything, and figured out where the ants were coming in during the summer.  

To save money we bought stock cabinets at Home Depot.  I have sanded and primed then painted everyone of them so far.  It has saved us a ton of money but it was also a ton of work.  Now we have an old 1957 home that I am loving more and more as we make it our home.  I have always wanted a farm sink and then I fell in love with butcher block counters.  So many people said that butcher block was so hard to take care of around water but I haven't found that to be.  As long as you wipe up the water they are just fine. Here are some after pictures so far of the kitchen.

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